quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2013

Eliminate bad belives

Hi Doriana,
Do you feel worthy of abundance?
Do you feel like you deserve all the good things you desire?
Or on a subconscious level, do you have a dis-empowering
conversation going on that's actually REPELLING money from
you… in ways that you might not even consciously realize?
If you're curious to find out, I highly recommend grabbing
a seat on Natalie Ledwell's upcoming live training:
According to Natalie, there are several subconscious limiting
money beliefs that can block the flow of wealth into your life.
Here are the *Top 5 Limiting Money Beliefs* that afflict 99%
of the population - one of these may have been buried in your
subconscious mind working against you--for years, maybe even
#1: There is not enough money to go around.
#2: It takes money to make money.
#3: It's greedy for me to want more.
#4: If I become wealthy people will hate me.
#5: I'm not worthy.
So, is one of these limiting beliefs sabotaging your income in
ways that you may not even consciously realize?
To your financial freedom!
P.S. As soon as you register for Nat's training, she'll
immediately email you a very special free gift - her
*How to Create Win-Win Situations* eBook!
Normally $67, it's yours free. Inside she'll teach you
the secrets to nicely but effectively influence your
spouse, friends, co-workers… even strangers into win-win

The Mind-Body Training Company Ltd
Registered In England No. 6095250
Registered Office:
Daws House, 33-35 Daws Lane
London, NW7 4SD
United Kingdom

Mind Movies 1 trick

turn on images to see thisDo you want to know the secret to successfully 

It's really quite simple when you get to the core 
of it. 

But first, I want to make sure you caught my last
message where I gave you a free pass to listen 
in to 21 amazing calls all about success, personal 
growth and how to manifest your dream life. 

If you missed it, click here to grab yours


Onto that manifesting secret:

In order to manifest effectively you need to be in 
vibrational alignment. You need to be sending out 
vibrations that match the vibrations of the things 
you want in your life. 

So you might be thinking, Natalie "how do I do that?" 

You need to spend time each day working towards
your desired reality. 

Now, I don't mean actually work like at your job 
or anything, but I mean working on yourself. 

A couple ways you can do this are:

1) Visualize Daily. Get yourself into a mental state
where you already possess everything you want, 
think about how it feels, where you are and what 
you're doing. Evoking emotion in your visualizations
is key to your success. My fav way to do this is to pop
on some music that makes me feel excited and easily 
able to see myself in that new desired state. Or, I 
simply watch my Mind Movie :)

2) Take advantage of complimentary resources like
THIS FREE TICKET to get awesome weekly trainings 
that will teach you more about manifesting and 
attracting your goals. 

Once you start sending these vibrations out to the 
universe, they will send them right back to you. 

Listen. There was a time when I was trying so hard
to get this whole LOA thing to work for me, and once 
I created a vibrational alignment, you have no idea 
how quickly things started happening!

It was like the right people and opportunities were 
literally being thrown at me. Here's a photo of Glen 
and I in Africa earlier this year:

Traveling to Africa was in my original Mind Movie years 
ago, and it finally manifested (amongst many other 

So don't wait, get started manifesting your dream life
today right here with the help of some seasoned 
master manifestors. 

To your dream life, as you've always imagined it, 
Natalie ~ Mind Movies